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Guhuo Bird

Water colour on water colour paper

Photo shop to modify various parameters to achieve the effect



The Guhuo bird is a ghost changed by a dead woman in labour, and the call of the Guhuo bird is the cry of a dead baby. The Gouhuo bird also snatches the children of others. Although people have sympathy for the Guhuo bird, they are more fearful, shunned and hated. But the Buddha believes that all things are equal, and the Buddha hopes that he can appease the Guhuo bird's resentment and help her to transcend and reincarnate her dead children and not continue to do evil on earth. 

People's fear of ghosts actually came from dissatisfaction with life and the unknown. In ancient times, there was no way for people to secure their lives and possessions, such as the Guhuo, who may have been just an ordinary woman who died in childbirth, but the neighbours may have spread rumours about the family and the family may have found the event unlucky. They then began to loathe the woman, and although the woman died, they felt that it was because of her that they had brought them bad luck. This is neither scientific nor humanitarian. 

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