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       The theme of my third unit is Sukhavati means Land of Bliss.

       The Sukhavati is a pure area of Mahayana Buddhism that is known as the Land of Amitbha. It is also referred to as the Western Pure Land or the Land of Bliss. Due to the popularity of Buddhism in East Asia, it is regarded as one of the most prominent Buddhist pure lands. The focus of my work is to paint what the Land of Bliss looks like in my mind, because I was taught from a young age that there is no pain and no desire in the Land of Bliss, and I hope that in my series I show what the Land of Bliss looks like in my own mind.

      The most difficult point in the Sukhavati research is that although Buddhism originated in India, it began to spread to China in the 2nd century AD and through China to Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other countries in the Chinese cultural sphere, each of which has a different view of Sukhavati. So I spent a lot of time doing research in this section.

       I use Expresii advanced digital painting to  present my work. , also using Photoshop to optimise the image. As I am working on larger scenes, I would like to learn more about the skills of Raqib Shaw and David mach.

       Through this Series, I was able to look at the Sukhavati through different perspectives and studies. I also gained a deeper understanding of this area through my own research.

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