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The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, also known as Sukhavati in Sanskrit and Dewachen in Tibetan, is the Pure Land manifested by Amitabha Buddha and is located in the West. It is also known as the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, a Sanskrit word meaning the place of bliss.
It refers to Amitabha's Pure Land or Amitabha's World, which is also known in Buddhism as the Pure Land of the Buddha's 48 Great Vows made at the time of Amitabha's attainment of Buddhahood. The Buddha's Sutra on Amitabha states that the land of the Buddha is called bliss because all sentient beings in the land are free from suffering, but are blessed with all kinds of happiness.

The practice of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss begins with the recitation of the name of Amitabha Buddha, together with the practice of the Dharma of the Blessing of Wisdom and Self-Realisation, so that all sentient beings may receive the benefits of supreme merit and virtue.
The practice of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is to love and cherish all sentient beings as the sutra says, to benefit others without persecuting them, to help them attain a life of beauty and wisdom, and to be free from suffering, and then they will attain the merit and virtue benefits of a limitless life in the Elysium. If you have a kind and pure heart, you will gain the merit and benefit of peace and liberation of mind. To give food, clothing, medicine, household items and all things needed. Then you will have the merit and virtue of entering the blissful world of bliss.
The practice of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is not to do anything that is unlawful, but to do things that are beneficial and contribute to all people. Then you will attain the blessings of the blissful world of bliss. If you study on your own, speak to people about the Six Paramitas and the Four Noble Truths, have a deep understanding of cause and effect, and practise and hold them in order to attain the state of unrest, you will be able to achieve the merit and benefit of early birth in the Elysium.
If people ask for something from us, we must help them so that their wishes can be fulfilled, and then we will gain the merits and benefits of the Elysium. If we do not have anger or hatred, we will gain the merit and virtue of being able to attain the cool, trouble free state of the Elysium. If you study the classics, you will be able to speak for others without hindrance, and you will gain the merit and virtue of being able to attain perfection.


When I started this unit I realised that our time was extremely short, so I decided to use digital painting to complete my series. My theme for this unit is very specific to Sukhavati, so I needed to reflect a large enough scene in my work, because Sukhavati, in my mind, is awe-inspiring enough.I chose to use Expresii 2021 digital painting because the most powerful advantage of this software is the ink and wash style of painting, which is exactly what I wanted. At the beginning it did not go well, the three pieces I created at first, because I was not skilled enough with this software, the brushes were not very satisfactory and the overall structure was not complete. Below is my initial creation containing drafts and the finished product.

In the first experimental stages I struggled to get good at using the brushes and the results were always unsatisfactory, feeling very marker-painted and tactile, which was not what I wanted, so in later tests I changed my choice and used pure ink and wash style brushes. And in my first experiment, I did not consider the creation of the background, making my three works look incomplete, which has since been adjusted in the new work. Here are three of my finalized works.

After I adjusted the brushes, the overall effect was improved and this time I enriched the background section. The overall reference is to Raqib Shaw's composition and you can clearly see that the results have improved significantly.


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